Thursday, November 15, 2007

forex for us

FDI is very stable by nature as it usually enters for long-term projects. It also helps to generate employment and bring in the latest technological inventions/advancements. FIIs, on the other hand, usually help in developing capital markets.The Govt. should consider both as the same while finalizing capital expenditure for investment in companies/projects. Yet, due to the factors enumerated above, FDI is more suitable for a country like India as compared to FIIs as the Latter is short-term and volatile. Learned contributors in this book seek to explore various aspects of Foreign Direct Investment in country and how it is related to the economic development, employment generation, infrastructure development and the impact of FDI on a country as a whole with the advent of continuous economic reforms the economy has recorded average growth rate of around 6% in the last decade. One major reform that has taken place in the area of attracting foreign investment into India, via either the foreign direct investment (FDI) route or from foreign institutional investors (FIIs)

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